Mar 21 2007
Oh, man! That’s a goocher!
I can’t wait until my new computer shows up! There are so many thing I want to tell the innernets, but my computer is so frustrating to use I get over it before I even start. And they’re all small dumb things like “I will probably be frequenting many of these things over the next few days.” or “Jules is a homo!” or… You know, the really really ridiculously important stuff. Like the fact that I just paused iTunes exactly 1:18 into the same song 3 times in a row because I was interrupted by 3 different people. Goocher, or what? I don’t like this. Sincerely. I’m probably going to die before the end of today.
It’s been real…
Mar 21 2007
Some loud party
Some loud party, originally uploaded by FANLESS.
Giant Hotel
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized