Feb 14 2007
…and the saga continues…
I finally emailed Apple’s customer relations about my iMac. Now I guess I just keep my fingers crossed that people will live up to their promises and my machine will get replaced. If not, I may have bought my last Mac.
I’m not overly upset that the thing has died four times now… Things happen. What I don’t like is how I have been treated over the thing. Like the Mac Genius sweating me like I was breaking the thing on purpose! I swear I haven’t dona anything to make this happen. If anything, did extra things to keep it from breaking. Like buying a new UPS when I was sure the one I had was fine. Every time it has died it’s been a big hassle. And this is 4 times now! And since I don’t have a car, getting it to the Apple store always involved bugging someone else to give me a ride to Aventura. TWICE per repair, actually, once to drop it off and once to pick it up. Of course now the Lincoln Road store helps because I can just take a taxi, but that still costs like $20 a shot. I can buy a lot of software online from with that money. The whole situation has been a big pain and I tried to ignore it for the longest time, but my 30 day trial of Photoshop for Windows is coming to an end so that prompted me to get things rolling with it again.
I REALLY hope everything works out!
Feb 14 2007
snow tanning
Something tells me this isn’t South Florida!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS