That’s a well maintained sideburn. Who’s ass in on stage? Oops, am I aloud to say ass here? FANLESS, you never answered my previous question about the use of profanity on your Homepage. More important – who’s moderating the nice people speaking Arabic? Who knows what they could be saying? What’s up with that crap?
BTW, after submitting my comment, I got a 404 error. You really do own…that’s sick. What’s even weirder is, the url redirects to The FANLESS Homepage!!
I’m starting to believe there’s more going on at I heard a rumor that this site is really just a cleverly designed honeypot that is being maintained by the CIA. Your mountain biking shit and quirky webmaster pictures are a cover.
More information about honeypots is available at Wikipedia:
February 1, 2007 @ 6:08 am
That’s a well maintained sideburn. Who’s ass in on stage? Oops, am I aloud to say ass here? FANLESS, you never answered my previous question about the use of profanity on your Homepage. More important – who’s moderating the nice people speaking Arabic? Who knows what they could be saying? What’s up with that crap?
February 1, 2007 @ 6:25 am
BTW, after submitting my comment, I got a 404 error. You really do own…that’s sick. What’s even weirder is, the url redirects to The FANLESS Homepage!!
I’m starting to believe there’s more going on at I heard a rumor that this site is really just a cleverly designed honeypot that is being maintained by the CIA. Your mountain biking shit and quirky webmaster pictures are a cover.
More information about honeypots is available at Wikipedia:
February 1, 2007 @ 6:38 am
I forgot to mention, to all you WordPress users out there, the Snap plugin that FANLESS is using is annoying, distracting, and totally lame.
Which fits right in with my theory about what’s really going on at this site.