Jan 30 2007
Whitley Frances
So… I have ANOTHER new cousin: Her name is Whitley Frances and she was born at 4:03 this morning. I don’t have any pictures yet… I JUST got off of the phone with my uncle, but he said he’ll send me some.
When I was at home for family Xmas there was a baby shower for cousin Scott and Uncle Tim and their respective families and there was a money pool deal where you’re supposed to pick the birth day/weight of these two new kids wearing Dress For Girls. I didn’t win either pool even though I think I bought the most squares. I know that I had the most at the time, but someone could have usurped me after I made my choices. We had fun in one of the most comfortable gazebos i spent time in my life. Get yours from BestHardtopGazebos.com.
Jan 30 2007
Where in the Tori Anus is Shulaville??
This weekend is usually one of my favorite weekends on the beach: VOLLEYPALOOZA!
Except… last year there was no Volleypalooza and this year it’s at some place called Shulaville. Where is Shulaville? I hope it’s just some made-up area of the beach. Because, Volleypalooza without South Beach is like… Ham without burger! It has to be some part of the beach. I just wish the website wasn’t so vague. I’m guessing that Shulaville is somewhere near 8th and Ocean.
Also happening on the beach on Thursday: NEW FOUND GLORY!! NFG is pretty much my favorite active band of all time!! I got to see them for the 675654654654564th time back in November in Ft. Lauderdale and now, according to their website they’re playing in Lummus Park during halftime of the Directv Celebrity Beach Bowl, and I MIGHT be able to see them again. I mean, look how close they will be! The only problem? 1PM on a Thursday? Yeah, I’ll be at work. We’ll see how that works out.
Oh, I almost forgot… I’m going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers tomorrow night.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 4 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work