Jan 9 2008
Dave Attell at the South Beach Comedy Festival
Dear internet,
I am wanting to see Dave Attell at the South Beach Comedy Festival next week, but I don’t want to go alone. Do you want to go with me?? Tickets are not exactly cheap, but I imagine it will be worth it. And if you have a hook-up for tickets, I’m not really willing to say I’m the Iron Chef of sucking cock, but I AM willing to say that I have never had any complaints! So please keep that in mind when comp tickets are being passed out! I really want to go!
May 28 2010
Please step into my time machine
To celebrate Memorial Day weekend I thought I would post some 5 year old pictures of… Memorial Day Weekend!
1014 pictures from Memorial Day Weekend on South Beach!
I took all of these pics from in front of my building. (not counting the shots from the beach)

By FANLESS • lulz • 12 • Tags: I WOULD!!!, Memorial Day Weekend, Miami Beach, Pictures, South Beach